Wednesday, June 20, 2012

24-day challenge (Day 3)

So I am planning on chronicling my next 21 days now of my 24-day challenge to become healthier. I had been contemplating this change for sometime. I tried so many different so-called diets with no success. Then when someone told me about this one I got excited, because this was no was a challenge. I needed something that would put some competition to my dietary plan. I am a very competitive person and this was just what I needed to convince myself that this was good. Honestly, I have never been more excited about something and wanting to be completely dedicated than I am right now. I know. I know...this is only day 3, but the last one I tried lasted 4 days and I was praying for it to end.

What is this challenge? It is a complete eating lifestyle change with certain supplements to help. Basically the first 10 days will be a cleansing and the last 14 days a build-up. I am on a fiber drink in the morning with a piece of fruit, then mid morning another snack with my Spark energy drink. At lunch I am eating a salad with grilled chicken, along with veggies and maybe more fruit. Then mid day snack is nuts or more fruit with another Spark drink. Then dinner chicken or fish with veggies and complex carb.

The hardest part for me was making sure I am preparing my meals ahead of time. I think by doing this has made my start being a little easier.

My goal throughout this is not only change to eating habits, but lose 20 lbs and feel healthier. So here is to Day 3...bring on Day 4!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I wish I was a kid

Sometimes I wish that I can go back in time and just never grow up. It seems that responsibilities as a grown up can be too difficult to handle. Don't you just feel that life as a child was so much easier? No responsibilities, no financial worries, no career worries, and no adult type decision-making. As a child, all you worry about is what toy you are going to play with that day or where did I put my G.I. Joe? It just seems that if I could go back in time I wouldn't worry about why my parents ask me to "not do this" or "not do that". No I have thousands of worries, on a larger scale. What investments am I going to invest? What food am I going to make for the family? Am I going to find a job worthy of my experience? etc. I just love being an adult. :)

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Looking for a New Chapter

So everything seemed to be going so well for me. I had a great little boy. Financially looking good. And then BAM! "Thank you so much Josh for your 9 1/2 years of service to our company, but we are going to have to let you go. Oh and by the way we don't offer a severance package, but we will give you two more weeks of pay." WOW!!! It just seems you give your heart and soul in a place for so long and they just slap you in the face. With all that said, I truly believe that this was a blessing. I had started to grow tired of working there. The working environment became difficult and the companies decisions started to become worrisome. So to be quite honest..."Thank you Company X for allowing me to gain a lot of contacts over the years, and i meant what I said I truly wish you luck and hope your company goes under." Ok maybe a little too mean. But this is great I have a New Chapter in my life and I can't wait what God has in stored for me.